Friday, November 14, 2008

Live from the SLJ Summit

I'm in Hollywood - the east coast one - in Florida - at the School Library Journal Leadership Summit, Remixing Library Collections for the Ditigal Age. Here on the beach at the Diplomat Hotel, it's sunny and in the mid-80s. We just had lunch and the opening keynote speaker, Anastasia Goodstein has just begun her talk. I won't hold it against her that she started her talk with "I love libraries", as almost every speaker who isn't a librarian does. I won't get into a rant about how those who "love libraries" can kill us with kindness by not putting their money to support library programs where their mouths are.

Anastasia is going to talk about today's teens - digital natives. How technology meets their core emotional and developmental needs and how we - school librarians - can understand their media consumption. She promises to give us tips to be "totally wired" librarians. She is author of the book Totally Wired: What Teens & Tweens Are Really Doing Online and the blog, Ypulse for teen/youth media and marketing professionals. She'll put all her stuff up on the wiki:

What's new and cool about this summit is that some people are using CoverItLive to post ongoing commentary about what's going in. They call it a "back channel conversaton." Sort of makes this blogging stuff so yesterday! You can follow it if you want on the SLJ Summit Ning at There are also photos there that people will continue add to throughout the event. Mostly of food and people eating it so far.

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