Today was the perfect day for this outing. It had cooled off to the mid-70s with low humidity. Although it started out a little cloudy, the skies brightened up just enough by the time our tour started. After a brief orientation, our group of 10 followed our instructors Rob and Wes while they pointed out plants and quizzed us on Disney trivia.
This was happening frequently enough that I made a point of not being behind him, but somehow, as our tour was almost over and we were heading back, I found myself following him and his wife as we went up a slight incline and through a covered picnic area, where suddenly he stopped again. His wife started to pass him, so I followed suit, but when she pulled up beside him, I took a wider berth to go around them both. That's when I caught a post with my right wheel and started to fall over. Somehow my right leg got tangled around the Segway's steering column, and I couldn't extricate it as I went over. The Segway's left wheel was still moving, so the machine was gyrating, with my leg still wrapped around it, twisting in directions legs aren't supposed to go. I felt or maybe even heard something pop as my leg finally came loose and I hit the ground. It hurt. A lot. I was quite sure I had just broken my leg. After lying on the ground for several minutes, I was finally able to move my leg and then eventually stand up. Thankfully, it appeared that my leg wasn't broken, nor my knee dislocated as I first feared. I was even able to get back on my Segway and ride it back to the barn, but my knee still really hurt!
I like to be the star pupil in any group, not the one who can't do anything right, so my pride now hurts as much as my knee. I should have stopped behind that man and not been so cavalier about my Segway skills. What do they say about pride coming before a fall?
Thanks to Rick for documenting my moment of shame. See more of today's photos on Flickr.
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