After kicking around at home all summer, doing a little bit o'this 'n a little bit o'that, it's finally time to get out of town - and this time out of the country, too.
We're packing up Bugle1 on Monday and heading north to Nova Scotia. We'll spend our first day and night in Bar Harbor, Maine. Then we'll set sail Tuesday morning on the CAT to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. We'll drive the Lighthouse Route to Lunenburg (how could we not stay there!) and stay for a few days at the Atlantic Sojourn B&B before driving north to Digby via the Annapolis Valley and the Fundy Coast. After two nights at the Habourview Inn, we'll drive back to Yarmouth along the Acadian Shores route, catch the CAT back to Portland, Maine on Sunday night, and then head back home.
We don't have an itinerary - we'll just go with the flow. We hope to get in a whale watch and maybe a sail on the Bluenose II. We'll hike, maybe bike some, do some bird watching, and definitely eat some of Digby's famous scallops. We'll spend a day in Halifax, but otherwise we'll be out and about touring the countryside at our leisure.
Unlike other trips, I won't be live-blogging this one. In a drastic change from my usual practice, I'm going to leave my laptop - and hopefully the rest of the world - behind for a week. This vacation will be totally "unplugged" - no TV, no cell phones, no email. It's feels a little scary, but I'm also looking forward to eliminating all of my usual distractions. I think this will let me focus on the "here and now" and let everything else just fade into the background for a while. Rick is all for the idea. I think I may have said "Just wait a couple more minutes while I answer this one last email," one time too many on our last vacation.
So it'll be just us and Nova Scotia for a week. I'll tell you all about it when I get back.
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