After a long, but uneventful flight across the country, we arrived in Anaheim at 10:30am Pacific time, checked in at the Candy Cane Inn, dropped off our luggage, and headed for Downtown Disney for lunch at the House of Blues. Then we made our first foray into Disneyland.
Photo above: Linda, Valerie, Sandy and Gerri take a break while waiting for the Parade of Dreams to begin.
It was a beautiful day in Anaheim and the crowds were fairly light in the park. We took in several attractions, listened to the
All-American College Band and watched the Parade of Dreams before fatigue and the time difference caught up with us.
We walked over to the the new and deserted-looking Anaheim Gardenwalk and had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Back at the Candy Cane, we got our luggage and quickly settled in before crashing into bed.
See all our Fun in Anaheim photos at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/msla/sets/72157605829097639/
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