We started the last day of the Summit with breakfast and a presentation about a public library's advocacy campaign. Then we heard two more case study presentations before lunch. Afterwards Ross Todd summed up the proceedings and challenged us to do some deep thinking about all that we have learned the past two days. We finished up our Summit experience with some group brainstorming about how to implement Evidence Based Practice in school libraries and what role our state and national associations can play.

The concierge recommended Richardson's for dinner. We had some really good Southwestern food in this popular and lively local spot. Before bed, mr. lo and I strolled around the resort. The rain had ended and the stars were out. There was a lot of activity - a bat mitzvah party and many people walking around looking very elegant in their formal attire . The Christmas decorations are beautiful, with two huge live trees in the lobby and lighted garlands looped on all the railings of

the mezzanine.
This morning we'll load up the humongous Pacifica we rented and take the ladies to the airport, where we'll trade down to a smaller car for the rest of our trip. We'll drive across the desert today and plan to arrive in San Diego in time to see the sunset.
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